Vagebondum Declarum Vagus Vo!





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steetment of prinsiepels







tijgetje01.gif (14335 bytes)

c by tiggur



A long, long time ago (when we could still

remember), the vagebonden were constitutionalized.

It was somewhere in 1997.

We started as a group of 6, equally split

among the sexes. Set out to be an "Anti-

movement" for fraternities. Being exactly

what they are not (what ever that means...).

This started in Maastricht, the Netherlands,

even under a larger students

association (AEGEE - Maastricht, see link eesjee).

They lost our last page, that is why it took us

so long to make this one, being lazy of nature.

One thing the anti movement started to do

was aggressively promoting alternative music

under young students in Maastricht. Being,

by nature, very aversive to popular

music (with the exception of the 80's),

the movement started to have alternative

parties, thereby   having their own music

and not pop, typical student, or local

music (which is even worse). Check out these

upcoming gigs on this site, or if we are to lazy

to update this, please have a look at flyers

or at the backstage's homepage. The plan is to

have a monthly gig in the Backstage every first

Wednesday of the month.

When we're not having these gigs we usually

hang around and annoy the hell out of each other.

During this we drink, eat, smoke and consume

all of the better things that god invented.

So, nothing really unusual.  When trotting

the streets of Maastricht we show of our

'bad taste' clothing-line consisting of black

longsleeves, groovy work-shirts, polo's,

girlies and accompanying bad haircuts.

The vagebonden currently consists of one

German, a Belgian (don't hold it against him),

a Limburgian (do hold it against him), a

Russian (well,..), and 11 regular Homo-sapiens.

Seven of these are she-la's, while seven

are gringo's. And, of course, that one
